
Thursday, March 11, 2004

Incidentally, thinking about Mrs. Lachey has the Fat Asian Baby thinking about marriage. Yesterday, when I was getting my hair cut, a headline on the cover of one of those abominable junior versions of abominable girly magazines, Junior Elle perhaps?, caught my eye. The headline was something like: Why Are Girls Getting Married So Young? Good fucking question. Seriously. I didn't think I'd have to deal with all-my-friends-are-getting-engaged type stress till at least 29, but here I am, less than two years out of college, and shit - all my friends are getting engaged. It seems like every week I'm hearing about another friend or friendly acquaintance who's getting ready to jump the broom. I think something like six people from my floor freshman year in college are engaged or married. Is it just me or is that a lot? What gives? Isn't that whole single twentysomething like a viable and valuable life stage? I can't help feeling stressed out by all these impending marriages of my peers. By the way, don't even bother buying the magazine, the article provided less than no insight into this strange phenomenon.

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