
Thursday, March 11, 2004

What is the deal with the Katie Couric Ben Affleck interview?? Why Why Why Why Why? Are there possibly two people that are more indepndently and very differently annoying and completely overexposed and god how I wish they'd just go away? So then why is it a good idea to put them on camera together for an extended period of time, hype it up in the press, and then inflict it upon the general public during prime time?
The scary thing is that people are probably going to watch it. I guess they really really like Katie Couric and her overtweaked oversparkling overperky eyes. And the networks will just never learn their lesson. As for Ben Affleck, I'm not even going to go there. Something in that press machine has gone horribly awry because a mere five years ago I must admit I found him attractive.

I just want to take a moment at this point to give a hearty congratulations to ketchup for being one of the more perfect American food items. It's a little bit salty. It's a little bit sweet. It's a little bit sour. And hell, it's got lycopene. What more could we possibly ask for in a food? Mmmmm....

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