
Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I'm baaaaaaaack (for now) 

Ok, so I know you thought I was dead, but actually I was just in Ohio, and West Virginia. Athens, Ohio was great fun. The beer runs cheap, and the kids are drunk: all the makings of good, wholesome fun. I even took time out of my trip to make a pilgrimage to the world's (now 2nd, formerly 1st) largest taco bell. Everything was peachy until the return trip home. Less than two hours on the road, Ambiguator and I were horrified to notice smoke coming from the hood of the FABmobile. We pulled into a gas station at the nearest exit, Fairmont, WV. Well, let me just tell ya folks, if you think you can find a mechanic at 4pm on a Sunday in Fairmont,WV you are sorrily mistaken. No siree. Fortunately, the people at the second gas station we visited were both friendly and helpful. They promised to fix my car first thing Monday morning and even recommended and drove us to the ever popular Super 8 Motel at the next exit. Apparently, the Super 8 is where it's all happenin' in Fairmont. They've got a Cracker Barrel and an Exxon station that is also a liquor convenience store that is also a bar and grill. Amazing. Although we were assured by numerous gas station employees that the Exxon Bar would be open till 12 that night, when we entered the bar at 8:50 that evening, Ambiguator and I were informed that the bar would be closing at 9. Tragic. At least I got a pint of Rolling Rock for $1. After leaving the bar at closing time (yep, 9 o'clock folks) we dejectedly walked to the Cracker Barrel next door. A and I split a salad and then left since they were getting ready to close too, but not before I delightedly noticed that I was actually one of the smallest people in the entire establishment. Apparently I should abandon all thoughts of dieting and just move to the midwest if Iwant to feel like I'velost 20 pounds. Anyway, we spent the rest of the evening drinking beer in the hotel and watching reruns of Blind Date. All in all, a good night was had by all inhabitants of the Super 8 Motel in Fairmont, WV.
Ok, so yesterday was my birthday, but that was fairly uneventful, so I won't bore you with the details. Or maybe I will, but another time. I'd rather eat lunch now.

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