
Thursday, April 15, 2004

On Asians and Beef 

Hearing about these Japanese hostages in Iraq has been quite upsetting to me, and not because I just looooove Japanese people (though the sushi I had for dinner last night was quite tasty thank you) and not specifically because it may be indicative of an ever escalating level violence in Iraq per se. No, I'm upset because I thought that if tomorrow I somehow found myself in one of the more tumultuous parts of the Middle East, I could squeak by because I'm Asian (muahahahaha and once I get all up in my chador, who's gonna know I'm American [aak!] and Jewish [eeep!]). Dammit, I could've sworn they didn't have beef with the Asians. Oh well, I guess I was wrong. Thanks for dashing my dreams of hypothetical safety, you hostage takers you.

On a mostly unrelated note, last night I dreamt that I was in some foreign country called rural Pennsylvania except it really was a foreign cause I was eating in a small shack that turned out to be a North Korean restaurant (and yes, in my dream a North Korean restaurant would have food, so shut up you yuksters). Anyway, the people cooking the food at the North Korean restaurant were very excited to learn that I was Korean and gave me extra helpings of beef and kim chi. Mmmm Korean marinated beef and stinky stinky kimchi. What more could my obliviously fictive self want?

On another mostly unrelated note, I'd really like one of those Kobe Beef Burgers some of the high end restaurants in New York are serving. Thanks.

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