
Monday, August 23, 2004

Because the Fat Asian Baby is fascinated by many nerdy, nerdy things, apparently including high profile art theft, I was nearly falling out of my seat with excitement when I read about the latest great art caper. I am a big enough geek that I've actually spent time in the Met pondering how one would pull anything off with all those guards and security gates around. For the love of god, they won't even let you talk on your cell phone in the galleries, let alone, say, approach and remove one of the paintings from the wall. While armed robbery is a little less glamorous than Pierce Brosnan's hijinks in the Thomas Crown Affair, it's still exciting to imagine how much money changed hands for a theft of this magnitude to be realized and what kind of super-sized ego with a super-sized wallet is behind it. What kind of person steals something like this and why? You can pretty much never show it to anyone, and you sure as hell can never sell it. Just about all you can do with a high profile stolen masterpiece is hide it in your panic room and masturbate in the corner while you cackle at how tremendously clever you think you are.

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