
Friday, October 01, 2004

FAB Disagrees with the Heartland 

The Fat Asian Baby has been trying to figure out just why so much of this country seems to think Bush would be a better president than Kerry. I can only conclude that we seem to have a fundamentally different understanding of the role of the president. According to numerous articles, Bush is popular because, despite his absurd wealth and elitist upbringing, he plays the downhome Joe Nextdoor role remarkably well. Ok fine. Maybe if I didn't hate Bush so much just because he's Bush, I'd rather hang out at the next kegger with him than Kerry, but what the hell does that matter?? Last time I checked, a) you're probably not going to be sharing a beer with the president anytime soon and b) as far as I understand the job, which maybe I don't, a not insignificant portion of being the president is, like, occasionally making important yet difficult decisions that may require a nuanced and possibly complex understanding of stuff? I mean, sure I dig Viagina and think she's a cool chick to hang out with, but to be perfectly honest, I still fail to see how that would qualify her to run my company, or country, for that matter. So who are these people that are basing their votes on the candidate's likeability quotient and why? I am seriously perplexed.

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