
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

To do (and the meaning of October) 

Tuesday night hear The Faint play at the Variety Playhouse. Also, The Roots may be performing on a field at Emory University, but you didn't hear it from me.

The last time the Fat Asian Baby heard the Roots was in 1999. They were the first concert that FAB's alma mater held in the acoustically high-tech theater of its brand spanking new super expensive student center. Well the acoustics sucked. And as far as I know, they haven't tried to hold a concert there since (barring, like, the school orchestra, that is).

Unfortunately I will not be attending the concert as there seems to be a miscommunication between me and every professor I have ever had regarding the purpose of late October. Professors past and present, please take note: late October is for watching baseball playoffs and, if time allows, concerts, Oktoberfest beers, and eating a shit-ton of candy. It is not, however, a time for a bajillion complicated papers and brain-teasing midterms. Life is about choices and priorities, and let me tell you, my priorities are most definitely not on your stupid tests. So please. Just stop.

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