
Tuesday, January 04, 2005

19 Was a Dangerous Age for Us All 

Reading Viagina's roundup of recent quasi-thing history inspired in me a strong desire to do my own quasi-thing report. Sadly, I am one of "those girls" who writes things down...and this only out of dire necessity. It just seems creepy to me that I wouldn't even remember the existence of someone after we've been alarmingly familiar with our intimate bits. Which brings me to my second problem, my brain resembles swiss cheese when it comes to memory, and The Master List is actually in Atlanta at the moment. Nonetheless, I am fairly certain that if I were actually to compile a complete annotated list for your reading pleasure, we'd have enough material for a medium length novel. I may try and put together an abridged version when I get back to Atlanta, but for now, please be content to read of best bud Gina's foibles and adventures and know that FAB is lurking mischeivously in the background of all of her stories.
And for the record, the Frenchie with his yerba mate was my favorite.

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