
Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I'll Be Whiter Than Jacko 

Check out Japanese company Eye Talk's instructional video (via Goldenfiddle). It seems the Fat Asian Baby can finally have eyelids of her own and without the painful expense of eyelid surgery so popular in Korea these days. I particular enjoy the part where the model in the video pokes her eyelids to make the glue set, and her eyeball looks like it's about to pop out of the socket. If that's not the picture of an international standard of beauty, I don't know what is.
And I bet this means I can even start wearing fake eyelashes as well. Some of us may remember the incident a few years ago where we tried to attach some fake eyelashes (actually, I can't even remember why now) and realized it was utterly impossible due to my unfortunate Mongoloid features that lack any sort of discernible eyelids.
Well those days are over. Watch out!

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