
Friday, June 17, 2005

Bits and Pieces 

Attention deficient freak Tom Cruise displays remarkable originality and proposes to his puppet under the Eiffel Tower.

In a nod to his Southern heritage, Matthew McConaughey decides to whisk lady love Penelope away on a romantic vacation in his RV.

Show us the light. Please.
From Page Six:
WHICH top leading man interviewed three different starlets for the job of girlfriend/future wife before picking his new beloved? "Mark my words: They'll have a baby," said our source. "Maybe he or she will be conceived in a petri dish, but they'll procreate" . . .

WHICH teen terror has herpes? The starlet was diagnosed with the "social disease" recently after fooling around with several high-profile studs, who might have it now too . . .

And from Popbitch:
Which golden celebrity couple is being torn apart by both partners' love of cocaine? His career choices are getting affected by it and, funnily enough, it hasn't helped cure her post-natal depression.

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