
Friday, June 17, 2005

Penis Man, Unveiled, Sort of 

Shortly after moving to Atlanta last August, FAB was warned about "Penis Man" who could invariably be seen around Briarcliff and Ponce de Leon. FAB was offered no discription other than, "oh you'll know him when you see him." Well, we had been here not even a week before we were stopped at the light at that very intersection and were confronted with an older black man in white bicycle shorts and, God help us, the largest package we have ever witnessed with our own two eyes. Naturally, while FAB's new friends looked on with horror, FAB smiled and waved. Over time, we got used to Penis Man and almost came to see him as one of Atlanta's more intriguing celebrity personalities. But we never got over our wonder at that very first glimpse. Just what the hell is going on down there and why is he always wearing those white spandex?

Well, judging from the following threads on Craigslist, it seems we're not the only ones who've taken notice:

Briarcliff Rd. and Ponce de Leon--ALL THE TIME

big package--moreland and briarcliff

Briarcliff Pimp

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