
Monday, November 21, 2005

That Man, He Has A Way With Footnotes 

Gina's sister, Gina Jr., will be taking a high level creative writing workshop this spring with David Foster Wallace. THE David Foster Wallace. The David Foster Wallace whom I discovered teaches at Pomona around the time that Gina Jr. announced she would be matriculatingin the fall. Naturally, I began plotting my visit to California immediately even though I've only met Gina Jr. that one time when she was in high school and we snuck her into our second home, 1020. Time has passed, I haven't read a book for pleasure in years, Gina Jr. is now a senior, and I have yet to stalk the halls of the English Composition building on Pomona's beautiful campus. This morning when Gina Jr. confirmed her enrollment in the class, I sent Gina the following email "dfw is my super uptighty tight, overly self important, unneccessary footnote using, pretentiously long winded dream guy. i am sooo jealous." And as God as my witness, I meant every word. Now, if only he was Jewish...

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